Episode 28: Dr. Greg Cahete

Dr. Cajete is a pioneer in indigenous education, and helping bridge the gap from indigenous education to science. He brings a profound holistic understand, and a wealth of experience to bridge these two worlds.

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Currently, he is Director of Native American Studies and an Associate Professor in the Division of Language, Literacy and Socio cultural Studies in the College of Education at the University of New Mexico.

Dr. Cajete also designs culturally-responsive curricula geared to the special needs and learning styles of Native American students. These curricula are based upon Native American understanding of the “nature of nature’ and utilizes this foundation to develop an understanding of the science and artistic thought process as expressed in Indigenous perspectives of the natural world.

Dr. Cajete has authored fivebooks:

  • “Look to the Mountain: An Ecology of Indigenous Education,” (Kivaki Press, 1994)

  • “Ignite the Sparkle: An Indigenous Science Education Curriculum Model”, (Kivaki Press, 1999)

  • “Spirit of the Game: Indigenous Wellsprings (2004)”

  • “A People’s Ecology: Explorations in Sustainable Living”

  • “Native Science: Natural Laws of Interdependence” (Clearlight Publishers, 1999 and 2000)